
Location: Florida

I moved to the U.S in 1972 hence MiddlePassage72. I am married with two sons.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Here We Go Again

I am back again more than a year later. So what's going on??? The sunami and earthquake have devastated Japan and I am prayerful the scientists will be able to cool down the nuclear reactors.

Politically it appears the President is getting some approvals from some surprising areas in his handling of the Libya situation. His ratings are pretty good and despite the attacks it appears that the republicans are not in too much of a haste to take him on.

The Supreme Court are back at it again with the decision not to award a former death row inmate in Louisiana reparations for prosecutorial misconduct. The opinion was written by Justice Thomas who did not think the prosecutor should be blamed for his subordinates lack of training. The decision was 5 -4 along ideological lines. I don't buy into these divisions any more after reading about the Roosevelt court. We should all pray these guys realize they do have life terms and they should render opinions for the betterment of justice. (But who cares about doing the right thing these days.

On to sports The VCU and Bradley teams have been awesome wonder how they will fare against the winner of Connecticut and Kentucky. I have to go with SEC.

I like this format. see you in 365 or sooner.
