Spring 2009 April 28, 2009
I just read a good friends blog regarding his health issues. I haven't written in a while and I was inspired to see others writing. Random thoughts number 2. We have survived the first 100 days of president Obama. The nation is still 50 states, Texas not withstanding. The stimulus package is trickling down. We have not seen bread lines, although the news reports daily on lay offs and poor job prospects for the future. The House and Senate are playing their roles and Senator Specter just jumped ship. I still find it amazing that those who swear they love this country and the brilliance of the founding fathers don't trust our democracy to succeed. In this age of blogs and tv and twitter and instant news they all want to put their fears out there. however lets trust in our country and system of government it will turn around what goes up must come down eventually unless it escapes the pull of gravity. I guess we know who the sunshine patriorts are. Well lets see what happens as the story plays out.
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