
Location: Florida

I moved to the U.S in 1972 hence MiddlePassage72. I am married with two sons.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Recent Thoughts

Supreme Court issues ruling in school cases, and many fear that this will be the end to affirmative action. I was reading an article recently and the author thought that this ruling provides and opportunity. Brown v. Board of Edu., did not realize the kind of equality in education that many expected. Sometimes we receive unintended consequences.i.e whites fled from the inner cities, created their own schools, fought tooth and nail against integration. All deliberate speed never defined by the court became slow down, drag it out, fight against any african american child stepping into our schools.

The grand experiment brings out the expected in human nature we want to protect our own. We don't want to share, the funny thing that I have been thinking lately is that if the shoe were on the other foot the same result would ensue. I have been thinking lately that no matter the color of our skin none of the races or ethnicities have any great moral proclivity than any other.
We have seen the abuses in all corners of the earth, mans inhumanity against man the same issues in africa the same issues in the slovaks, the same issues in the middle east, the same issues in europe.

Going back to the supreme court the proclamation by Chief Justice Roberts that you don't cure discrimination with more discrimination is a beautiful statement. I wonder which audience he was sending this message. You take advantage of a person, you take his resources, you take his humanity, you take his dignity, you take his pride, you take his self esteem, and you do the same to his children, and then your children who have utilized the advantages of this man to create their world. They say to the person, oops I don't owe you a thing that was my dad.
Lets treat everyone fairly after all I didn't do anything to you that was my dad.

You know I can agree with the concept of treating everyone equally but unless you really mean it. How can I trust your words when you have cheated me and mine.

We will overcome this as we have overcome others. One step forward two steps back we are not going anywhere this is my country land that I love.

Monday, July 09, 2007

I just returned from South Florida for the 4th of July. Rediscovered my roots on the paternal side of the family. I am a descendant of a Guyanese grandfather who traveled to Barbados and met my grandmother and then returned home.

Incredibly after many years the family has reunited. I wonder how many others share a similar story throughout the islands of ancestors who moved about trying to find work, or a place that they could be comfortable and live life.

Hard to imagine what an impact we leave to discover now more than 63 years later that there are connections to a whole other heritage that I can lay claim too.

I think that I will enjoy my search for my roots.

More to come as the journey continues on the middle passage